Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lazy 5 Ranch

Gigi and Papa had a brilliant idea to take Nolan to a drive through zoo called Lazy5 Ranch. Rich and I were lucky enough to be invited. It was unlike anything I have ever been to as an adult.

A group of about 20 other adults and children stepped up onto a wagon.. yes, a wagon, pulled by two horses. There were quart size buckets filled with feed which the animals would gallop toward. We were not allowed to get off the wagon to feed the animals or allowed to feed the ostrich with our hands. I even had several reports of ostrich bites from friends.

The ride was about an hour long, and after around 20 mintues Nolan started to become okay with the idea that animals were running full speed at us, as long as they stopped, and ate peacefully.

They have a random variety of animals at the ranch. My favorite was this giant cow. I don't know what kind of cow it was, but it was the size of a small army tank. Really. Nolan liked the giraffes, kangaroos, and camels.

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