Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Walker and a Talker

Yes, Nolan is walking! He started walking last Wednesday! It was so exciting. He took 18 steps, and my Mother-in-Law one was like "That's walking Kathryn!". Now, he is all over the place! He can walk the whole length of our house, at the grocery store, mall and outside. It's so neat. Every time he takes a step I am still amazed.

No, Nolan is NOT talking. But he babbles all the time. "Bwah Bwah Bwah" is his favorite staying. He gets a lot of "MaMa's" and "DaDa's" in there too. He is learning that objects have names. He knows fan, book, ball, cat, cow (in a book), eebee (a book character), pass pass. He is pointing at things he wants, like his sippy cup.

We spent the afternoon outside. Enjoy the photos!


Polly Anna said...

Hey Kathryn!
This is Polly again. I didn't save your number in my cell phone cause I'm a goober, so I'm going to leave you boring public messages... I apologize.
I'm not sure if Rich told you or not, but Gabel's mom and I are going to head up to John C Campbell the first weekend in June to check it all out and see the guys. You and Nolan are invited!

the.indie.image said...

soooo soooo cute!!!!