Trip to Oak Island, NC was a real blast! It was great to see family from St. Louis as well as spend time with Rich, Nolan, my Sister, her Boyfriend, Mom and my Grandmother. There is nothing like relaxing and catching up with family.

Nolan was unsure of the beach when we first arrived. The ocean is such a scary thing for a little boy. It's like staring into infinity. Nolan didn't like the texture of the sand either! Once we gave him his beach wagon with toys he became brave and took off running on the beach front. The first time Rich and Nolan waded slowly into the ocean a wave surprised them both and took Nolan under!!! Luckily, Rich was holding onto Nolan hands and all was fine. Surprisingly, Nolan still ventured back into the ocean with Dad.

The pool was a different story, Nolan was quick to play. He had a bright yellow float for the deep water and loved playing in the wading pool. I also preferred the pool to the beach!

We enjoyed homemade ice cream one day and loved visiting South Port, a quaint town on the Cape Fear River. We had dinner at Fishy Fish, a restaurant on the water front.

Sis, Bradley, Rich and I enjoyed a few nights out at this tiny bar, the Pirates Deck! We became friends with the bartender and even made it onto her picture "Wall of Fame." I had my frist Shock Top and LOVED IT. But I always enjoy a belgian white.
Basically, I can't wait to do it all again next year!!!