On Monday, Rich found out he had two more weeks of work. The Holder Brother's are downsizing. They told him the only way their company could possibly survive in this economic downtime is to take on everything themselves. Rich and I were both shocked. We moved here for this job. We've been in Monroe for 14 months and I was just beginning to feel like I had my footing here. It feels like the wind has knocked me off my feet. Four weeks before Christmas, two days before my 26th birthday. Just an outright shock--no warning signs.
Although I feel like everything I have grown to know will disappear in 15 short days, I can only imagine what will be in store for us in the coming months and years. We don't have a lot of money, but we have our health and each other. This is what truly matters.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
First Baptist Church of Monroe
I've been praying alot lately for God to guide me to the right church. Today I felt that he led me to the First Baptist Church of Monroe.
I arrived about five minutes before the service started, sat about midway down in the pews. No one spoke to me, one person smiled. This was not a very big church and I felt like it was clear I was a visitor. The praise and worship band started singing and we all stood up and joined in. I enjoyed this part; I always enjoy a good praise song. The pastor stood up and asked the congregation to look around and greet new faces and speak to one another. I stood up, and being the odd (wo)man out, I was excited to meet some of the church members. Well, I waited and looked around, and no one spoke to me or made eye contact. Around me, everyone was hugging and laughing and talking and I stood there alone, quiet and shocked. I could feel the tears come to my eyes. Right as the band began to sing a man came up to me and shook my hand and told me his name.
After the song, a woman came to the podiem and ironically talked about the word "connection" for a few moments. She said how as christains it is so important to connect with new faces and really be a connecting factor in someones life. This is of course ironic because no one connected with me.
We sand a song or two, the offering was given and the sermon began. The sermon was by the associate pastor today, as their senior pastor was at a conference. He spoke of the Lord's Supper. The sermon was informative. I was hoping for something a little more. We sang another song and everyone began to collect their things and head out.
A couple was standing at the end of my pew, waiting, and I smiled and thought they were going to speak to me! I was wrong. I stood there and they just looked at me blankly and then they finally said, "Um, can we get by you?" Again, I could feel the tears coming. It was everything I could do to get to the car before I started crying.
Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed. Here I am coming to the house of God, looking to find a christian home and no one welcomed me. When I got home I realized it was just God's way of saying this is not the right home for you. When you are looking to find a home, you don't just take the first one you find. You do your research, you go and visit, it's trial and error. And then, you are successful, you find your new home and it is a perfect fit.
I can't wait to find my new home.
I arrived about five minutes before the service started, sat about midway down in the pews. No one spoke to me, one person smiled. This was not a very big church and I felt like it was clear I was a visitor. The praise and worship band started singing and we all stood up and joined in. I enjoyed this part; I always enjoy a good praise song. The pastor stood up and asked the congregation to look around and greet new faces and speak to one another. I stood up, and being the odd (wo)man out, I was excited to meet some of the church members. Well, I waited and looked around, and no one spoke to me or made eye contact. Around me, everyone was hugging and laughing and talking and I stood there alone, quiet and shocked. I could feel the tears come to my eyes. Right as the band began to sing a man came up to me and shook my hand and told me his name.
After the song, a woman came to the podiem and ironically talked about the word "connection" for a few moments. She said how as christains it is so important to connect with new faces and really be a connecting factor in someones life. This is of course ironic because no one connected with me.
We sand a song or two, the offering was given and the sermon began. The sermon was by the associate pastor today, as their senior pastor was at a conference. He spoke of the Lord's Supper. The sermon was informative. I was hoping for something a little more. We sang another song and everyone began to collect their things and head out.
A couple was standing at the end of my pew, waiting, and I smiled and thought they were going to speak to me! I was wrong. I stood there and they just looked at me blankly and then they finally said, "Um, can we get by you?" Again, I could feel the tears coming. It was everything I could do to get to the car before I started crying.
Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed. Here I am coming to the house of God, looking to find a christian home and no one welcomed me. When I got home I realized it was just God's way of saying this is not the right home for you. When you are looking to find a home, you don't just take the first one you find. You do your research, you go and visit, it's trial and error. And then, you are successful, you find your new home and it is a perfect fit.
I can't wait to find my new home.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Children's Museum of Atlanta
Last week Polly and I took Lily Kate and Nolan to Atlanta for a visit to the children's museum. The kids had such a great time!!
Nolan immediately ran to the oversize lego's and building blocks.
We will go back for sure. It was such a great place and it's free while the children are under two!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Rich's 35th Birthday
We spent Rich's 35th Birthday in the NC mountains! Our family along with Rich's parents, his sister, her fiance and my mom were all there. It was so great to spend time with family. Rich
Saturday morning Dick and I went on a bike ride along the New River on Railroad Grade Road. I wish I had pictures! It is one of my favorite rides and one of the prettiest I have been on.
For dinner we had delicious steak kabobs, roasted potatoes and corn right out of my parents neighbor's garden. Everything was delicious. Our friend John joined us for dinner, it was great to see him. We ended the night by playing Apples to Apples--it is a hilarious game that I suggest trying with your friends!
All in all it was a great weekend with family. I hope we can do it again this fall or sometime next year.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Venture into Sewing
Ever since Sewing 101 in high school I've always wanted to do more with it. My grandmother gave me an old Singer for Christmas a few years ago. I never took the time to learn to use it. I can't even remember how to thread the bobbin (I think that's what it's called!)
Rich has been encouraging me to look for sewing classes and tonight is the first time I've actually done it! I found one that meets once a week for a month, 2 1/2 hour long meetings. It's called The Sewing Institue and it's one Lady who hosts classes at the Hobby Lobby in Conyers. I'm not exactly sure how far that is from here, but I don't think it's more than hour. The classes are reasonably priced, so I've decided to take the classes in August or September. I'm so excited!!
I want to be able to make accessories as well as clothing. I'm hoping that eventually I will be able to sell things on www.etsy.com . Anyway, I'm super excited about it!
Rich has been encouraging me to look for sewing classes and tonight is the first time I've actually done it! I found one that meets once a week for a month, 2 1/2 hour long meetings. It's called The Sewing Institue and it's one Lady who hosts classes at the Hobby Lobby in Conyers. I'm not exactly sure how far that is from here, but I don't think it's more than hour. The classes are reasonably priced, so I've decided to take the classes in August or September. I'm so excited!!
I want to be able to make accessories as well as clothing. I'm hoping that eventually I will be able to sell things on www.etsy.com . Anyway, I'm super excited about it!
Oak Island 2009

Trip to Oak Island, NC was a real blast! It was great to see family from St. Louis as well as spend time with Rich, Nolan, my Sister, her Boyfriend, Mom and my Grandmother. There is nothing like relaxing and catching up with family.

Nolan was unsure of the beach when we first arrived. The ocean is such a scary thing for a little boy. It's like staring into infinity. Nolan didn't like the texture of the sand either! Once we gave him his beach wagon with toys he became brave and took off running on the beach front. The first time Rich and Nolan waded slowly into the ocean a wave surprised them both and took Nolan under!!! Luckily, Rich was holding onto Nolan hands and all was fine. Surprisingly, Nolan still ventured back into the ocean with Dad.

The pool was a different story, Nolan was quick to play. He had a bright yellow float for the deep water and loved playing in the wading pool. I also preferred the pool to the beach!

We enjoyed homemade ice cream one day and loved visiting South Port, a quaint town on the Cape Fear River. We had dinner at Fishy Fish, a restaurant on the water front.

Sis, Bradley, Rich and I enjoyed a few nights out at this tiny bar, the Pirates Deck! We became friends with the bartender and even made it onto her picture "Wall of Fame." I had my frist Shock Top and LOVED IT. But I always enjoy a belgian white.
Basically, I can't wait to do it all again next year!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

After the church service my mother-in-law, Toni, had a special luncheon for Nolan. It was so fun. The adults enjoyed conversing and eating while Nolan and his cousins were running in and out of everyone's legs. We had mini-sandwich's, strawberries, pineapple and veggies marinated in italian dressing--delicious! For desert, my mom made an amazing chocolate cake topped with almonds and chocolate icing. I love having my family and Rich's family together. We're so lucky everyone gets along so well!

There are so many amazing pictures from the luncheon, but I'll only post a few. The pictures are as follows: our family; Nolan with his godparents; Nolan with Rich and Uncle Mike. Thank you to everyone who made Nolan's day so speical.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Walker and a Talker
Yes, Nolan is walking! He started walking last Wednesday! It was so exciting. He took 18 steps, and my Mother-in-Law one was like "That's walking Kathryn!". Now, he is all over the place! He can walk the whole length of our house, at the grocery store, mall and outside. It's so neat. Every time he takes a step I am still amazed.
No, Nolan is NOT talking. But he babbles all the time. "Bwah Bwah Bwah" is his favorite staying. He gets a lot of "MaMa's" and "
We spent the afternoon outside. Enjoy the photos!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sick Baby
Tonight I freaked out a little bit. Walton county was under a tornado warning, it was hailing outside and the lighting was unbelievable. Nolan had a temperature of 102.6 degrees and looked completely out of it. He had been vomiting all day off and on. It was scary. He's never even had a fever. We gave him some infant motrion and it brought it down to 101.5. He started to feel better after that. He started babbling and crawling around again. SHEW what a relief.
I'm learning so much with this baby. It's frightening but it's so good for Rich and I to go through these experiences together. We lost our satellite signal and it's still thundering outside, but I don't think we're under a tornado warning anymore. Rich is in the bed with Nolan asleep. I think everything's going to be okay. Goodnight.
I'm learning so much with this baby. It's frightening but it's so good for Rich and I to go through these experiences together. We lost our satellite signal and it's still thundering outside, but I don't think we're under a tornado warning anymore. Rich is in the bed with Nolan asleep. I think everything's going to be okay. Goodnight.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Over Valentines Day weekend Rich and I went and visited Boone, NC. This is where Rich and I went to school at Appalachian and where we had baby Nolan! We had such a great time. We had beers with old friends and went hiking on our favorite trails.
These pictures are from Sims Creek Trail. The first one is a view of Grandfather Mountain.

Here's a good swimming hole off of the Boone Fork Trail. Swimming holes will be missed tons this summer!

Here are some pictures of Hebron Rock Colony:

These pictures are from Sims Creek Trail. The first one is a view of Grandfather Mountain.
Here's a good swimming hole off of the Boone Fork Trail. Swimming holes will be missed tons this summer!
Here are some pictures of Hebron Rock Colony:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Broccoli and Cheese Soup
Tonight we had a broccoli and cheese soup with salad for dinner. It was the best broccoli and cheese soup I have ever had. To give credit, it's from the Mast Farm Inn cookbook. The Mast Farm Inn is a very nice bed and breakfast in Valle Crucis, NC. Rich used to wait tables and cook breakfast at the Inn. Most of the recipes from the book are too complex, but this one is simple and so delicious.
1/2 cu. butter
1 bunch broccoli, cut into bite size pieces
1 medium onion, chopped
1/2 cu. flour
1 tsp. dry mustard
1 tsp. salt
3 cu. milk
2 cu. chicken broth
1 cu. cheddar shredded
1 cu. colby & monteray jack shredded
1. Melt butter in 3 qt saucepan. Saute broccoli and onion until broccoli is tender-crisp
2. Combine flour, mustard and salt in small bowl. Add to saucepan. Gradually add milk and broth and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until thickened.
3. Reduce heat and gradually stir in 1 1/2 cu. of cheese
4. Divide remaining cheese and sprinkle some on top of soup in each bowl before serving.
Personal Modification:
-the recipe called for Jarlsburg cheese, but I used the ones listed above
-i used white onion
1/2 cu. butter
1 bunch broccoli, cut into bite size pieces
1 medium onion, chopped
1/2 cu. flour
1 tsp. dry mustard
1 tsp. salt
3 cu. milk
2 cu. chicken broth
1 cu. cheddar shredded
1 cu. colby & monteray jack shredded
1. Melt butter in 3 qt saucepan. Saute broccoli and onion until broccoli is tender-crisp
2. Combine flour, mustard and salt in small bowl. Add to saucepan. Gradually add milk and broth and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until thickened.
3. Reduce heat and gradually stir in 1 1/2 cu. of cheese
4. Divide remaining cheese and sprinkle some on top of soup in each bowl before serving.
Personal Modification:
-the recipe called for Jarlsburg cheese, but I used the ones listed above
-i used white onion
Monday, February 2, 2009
She's a He!
Rich went to the doctor today for his neck. The doc said the strain could have happened from lifting too much weight. She said he is having muscle spasms; she prescribed six weeks of physical therapy. Rich's profession makes me worry about him. Manual labor is hard on your body, and I don't think he realizes it. However, timber framing is something he enjoys and he's good at it.
A nice lady was talking to Nolan and I while we were at the doctor today; she was commenting on all the noise Nolan was making shaking my tic-tacs. I told her he is really fond of shaking things. She said, "She is so pretty!" I said, "She's a he!" She laughed and said, "Excuse me, well he is so pretty!" I told her I knew it was the long hair and laughed. I just can't cut his hair! It's so pretty. My favorite hair time is after he has a bath and it's super curly (like tonight!). His hair is so adorable--he's so adorable. I dress Nolan manly. I guess the hair just throws people off. Oh well.
A nice lady was talking to Nolan and I while we were at the doctor today; she was commenting on all the noise Nolan was making shaking my tic-tacs. I told her he is really fond of shaking things. She said, "She is so pretty!" I said, "She's a he!" She laughed and said, "Excuse me, well he is so pretty!" I told her I knew it was the long hair and laughed. I just can't cut his hair! It's so pretty. My favorite hair time is after he has a bath and it's super curly (like tonight!). His hair is so adorable--he's so adorable. I dress Nolan manly. I guess the hair just throws people off. Oh well.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Long Overdue

Yesterday, Nolan took three steps on his own. This is the first time he had taken more than one step. He was standing alone and I stretched my arms out and said "come here Nolan," and he came! I was ecstatic! Unfortunately, it did not happen again today. So we will just have to try more and more to get those little feet walking!
Nolan had his first trip the park today. It's so nice we have a park 1/2 a mile away; we just took the stroller out and walked. He loved the swing and when Rich would help him down the slide.
Rich's poor neck is killing him! He thinks he slept on it wrong, but it's been hurting since Friday morning. It's one of those pains where you can't turn your neck right or left, up or down. We've been using ben gay and ibuprofen, but it's only temporary relief. He might have to go to the doctor tomorrow. If you have any remedies for neck/upper back pain please share!
And me.. I'm good :)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Nolan's One Year Old!
When Rich got home we celebrated with cupcakes. Rich turned off the lights and lit one candle on the vanilla cupcake. Nolan's eyes got really big and he reached out for the candle. We sang happy birthday and Rich told Nolan to "make a wish" and he blew out the candle. When Nolan had the cupcake on his high chair, he dipped one finger into the frosting and slowly put it in his mouth. His eyes got big again and he picked up the whole thing and shoved it in his mouth. He separated the icing and the cake into his right and left hands, respectively. He ate the whole thing.
Today was good. Nolan loves balls--tennis ball, soccer balls, play balls. Anything round that rolls. He just chases after them and laughs. It's so cute.
I'll update again after his birthday party. My parents and sister are coming down. I'm so excited. I miss them so much!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Nolan has learned to give kisses!! This is so exciting. I give him a kiss on the cheek and say "kisskisskisskiss," then he laughs, opens that little mouth and plants a big slobbery one on my left cheek! I love that little boy!
2008 in Review
I cannot believe we're already six days into 2009!! So many things happened in 2008.
Also in February, was Valentines day :) Rich took me to the Gamekeeper where I ate foods I had never had before! Like rattlesnake, ostrich, bison and more! And by the way, I liked them all!
with the blanket and making Nolan laugh. Grandma Clark also came along for the vacation and I know she enjoyed spending time with her great-grandson and grandchildren. I enjoyed somewhat of a break, by getting to relax on the beach! Here are some photo memories from the trip.

January 14, 2008 Rich and I welcomed our first son, Nolan into the world! He was (and still is) such a beautiful baby. This is one of the first pictures after he was born. He was born in Boone, North Carolina at Watauga Medical Center. It was snowing the day he was born and the day we brought him home from the hospital. We had so much help from family and so many visitors. Nolan's birth was such a wonderful time.

My mother-in-law turned the big 60 on February 16th and we had a big party for her at JoJo's China Bistro. It was a great time with all of her friends and family. Here's a picture from her birthday party.
Also in February, was Valentines day :) Rich took me to the Gamekeeper where I ate foods I had never had before! Like rattlesnake, ostrich, bison and more! And by the way, I liked them all!
In June 2008, Nolan had his first beach trip!! We went to Oak Island, NC and stayed at my mom's friends ocean front house. At first, Nolan was
unsure of the ocean and he cried when i stuck his toes in the rushing water. After a couple of attempts he smiled when his toes grazed the water. Nolan sat the Baby Bjorn for morning walks up the coast--I think that was his favorite time. My mom's favorite part of the trip was rocking Nolan to sleep on the back porch. She and my sister had a blast playing peek-a-boo
Rich had his 34th birthday on July 15th. And he and I also had our first night away from the baby in July. We went camping by Hunt Fish Falls in Linville, NC. It wasn't quite as peaceful as I had hoped for. I had a little too much to drink and started freaking out about bears.. haha!! The food was good though! Rich cooked steaks, yum.

In August, Nolan had his second beach trip! This time to Gulf Shores, Alabama with Rich's side of the family. It was like a
huge family reunion. Nolan got to meet tons of cousins, aunts and uncles. He went swimming in a pool for the first time! He loved it! Also, on this trip, my sister-in-law got engaged!! So exciting. Here are some pictures from the trip.

On September 15th, Rich and I had our first wedding anniversary!
In October we moved to Georgia. It's quite a change from the mountains of NC. We're in a small town close to the city. I miss having hiking trails and the mountains right outside my back door. But the trade off is having my husband enjoy his work and be happy--so it's worth it :)
On December 2nd, I had my 25th birthday! Which I wrote about in the previous entry.
All in all it was a great year.
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